But Oh so funny...So if you've been to my house, you know that we have a bar in our garage...Mike built it one Saturday afternoon with our neighbor Nick...Our house is "the house" that every Friday all the neighbors come hang out at...It also was a tribute to Mikes dad when we had his memorial party a few years back, not because he was always at one, but because he ran one years ago....
Anyways, a neighbor was cleaning out his garage the other day and found a "shot" game...He though it fit perfect for the bar...So he brought it over, before I could even check it out, all three of my kids had it taken out on the kitchen table and my oldest daughter was making OJ shots with whip cream on top for her brother an sister...I had to laugh and take a few pictures! Not that I'm proud of them for knowing what the heck it was all about, but because the drinks that Hailey ended making up for the other two to "shoot" were hysterical! OJ with lime juice, Ruby red with soy sauce, so gross...but they did it and had a great time...Now if I can keep them from never having the alcohol in their shots, it would be a perfect world!
Very, very, very wrong:-)
You need to get off FB so you can update your blog:-) I am having a huge giveaway...come on over.
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