As the homes keep popping up in foreclosure its sad to see the yards just go to waste...So I thought being that the house right next door to us has just fallen victim, Id try and keep it looking somewhat nice..Im home all day long and seeing the houses with yucky yards and overgrown flower beds, makes me sad...I went over today and clipped a bunch of roses to maintain the bushes a little bit and tomorrow Im going to mow the yard when I do mine...yes, me..I love to mow it and make it look pretty!
At least I can pretend I have new neighbors that keep their yard looking nice, right?
Just thought Id share some of the pretty pretty roses...might as well fill some vases around my house right?
I don't even like to mow my own yard...let alone the house next door. At least you were able to use the beautiful roses..
Hi, i just found your blog via Sara at Sadie Olive.
really a wonderful site you have.
come visit!
Way to go there Denise!!! Maybe if more people followed you, we wouldn't have so many sad looking homes around, and it wouldn't be so depressing!!
those flowers still look great!
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